出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に 東京23区と近郊へ。ピアノ、バイオリン、フルート、歌手Attractive Performances in Exquisite Settings
出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に 一流音楽大学をでて日々演奏と後輩の指導に励む実力、麗しいビジュアルと礼節と思いやりを備えた演奏家が出張演奏させていただきます。東京23区と都内近郊、千葉・埼玉・神奈川の東京近郊がご訪問できるエリアです。"Attractive Performances in Exquisite Settings: Experience Luxury at Your Doorstep"
ホーム 音楽/マジック イベント > 出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に ピアノ,バイオリン,フルート,歌手,ハーブ 。東京23区と近郊 "Attractive Performances in Exquisite Settings: Experience Luxury at Your Doorstep"
音楽/マジック イベント > 出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に ピアノ,バイオリン,フルート,歌手,ハーブ 。東京23区と近郊 "Attractive Performances in Exquisite Settings: Experience Luxury at Your Doorstep"

出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に

 容姿端麗、確実な実力を備えた演奏家の演奏を、明朗会計で楽しんでいただくためのキャンペーンで 1単位20分を1から4単位までご下命いただくことができます。

20分の演奏を複数回ご依頼の場合で お客様の都合で間隔が開いてしまう場合は 「待機」オプションを追加してご下命ください。後に追加購入でも結構です。


(2)演奏2単位 待機1回
 演奏準備    20分
 自己紹介と曲紹介 10分
 [ 演奏 ]     20分 
 [ 待機 ]     20分
 [ 演奏 ]     20分 
 片付けと退去   10分 記念撮影 1ポーズ含む

 演奏準備     20分
 自己紹介と曲紹介 10分
 [ 演奏]      20分 写真撮影可(ポーズ数に含まれます) 
 [ 待機 ]     20分
 [ 演奏&動画撮影] 20分 写真撮影可(ポーズ数に含まれます) 
 [ 写真撮影 ]   10分 全体で2から10ボーズまで。
 片付けと退去   10分 記念撮影 1ポーズ含む

2000ポイントのポイント付与。「出張演奏 全国・海外・船上」の演奏ご依頼の際にご使用いただけます。(1回のみ)



〇 移動用の楽器になることがあります。

【場所】 東京23区と近郊のお客様の指定する場所。ホール、宴会場、式場、レストラン、会社、集会所、会社、庭、ご自宅、公演など。ただし音楽鑑賞にふさわしい環境。

〇 予めアイシル宛に銀行振り込みしていただくか、
〇 当日 演奏家に総額を現金でお渡しください。 消費税を払わずに 直接演奏家に出演料をお支払いいただくことができます。その場合は領収書は発行しませんのでお客様の経費にはできません。演奏家の所得税の支払いについては会社より指導いたします。 

< English >
We present talented musicians who have graduated from top-tier music universities and dedicate themselves to daily performances and mentoring their juniors.

Through our campaign, you can enjoy the beautiful performances of these immaculate and highly skilled musicians, with transparent pricing. You can request 1 to 4 units, with each unit consisting of a 20-minute performance. Units 3 and 4 will have the same program as units 1 and 2.

If you wish to request multiple 20-minute performances with intervals according to your convenience, please add the "Wait" option. You can also make additional purchases later.

For the purpose of capturing memories, one pose (with continuous shooting option) is included for photography. If you would like additional poses, please specify the desired number in increments of 10 minutes when ordering using the "Photo" option. The musician's attire cannot be changed.

【Example of Booking Requests】
(1) Single Performance Unit
Same as above

(2) Double Performance Units with 1 Waiting Interval

Preparation: 20 minutes
Self-introduction and Song Introduction: 10 minutes
[Performance]: 20 minutes
[Waiting]: 20 minutes
[Performance]: 20 minutes
Cleanup and Departure: 10 minutes (including 1 commemorative photo)

(3) Two additional musical performances, one photoshoot, and one video recording will be included.

Preparation: 20 minutes
Self-introduction and Song Introduction: 10 minutes
[Performance & Video Recording]: 20 minutes (photos allowed, included in the number of poses)
[Waiting]: 20 minutes
[Performance & Video Recording]: 20 minutes (photos allowed, included in the number of poses)
[Photo Session]: 10 minutes (2 to 10 poses allowed)
Cleanup and Departure: 10 minutes (including 1 commemorative photo)

【Regarding Instruments】
There may be cases where portable instruments are used.
In performances that involve travel, our musicians may utilize their own instruments if they possess suitable ones for the job. Please note that instruments specifically designed for concert hall performances may not be used in this particular context.

【Special Benefit】
You will receive 2000 points, which can be used when requesting performances for "Traveling Concerts: Nationwide, Overseas, and Onboard." applicable only once.

We offer performances at locations specified by our customers in Tokyo's 23 wards and the surrounding areas. This includes venues such as concert halls, banquet halls, wedding venues, restaurants, corporate offices, community centers, gardens, private residences, and public events. However, please ensure that the environment is suitable for music appreciation.

【Payment Methods】
You can make a bank transfer to Aisil in advance.
On the day of the performance, please pay the total amount in cash directly to the performer. You can pay the performance fee directly to the performer without paying consumption tax. In this case, no receipt will be issued, so it cannot be claimed as an expense on your part. We will provide guidance regarding the performer's income tax payment on behalf of the company.
登録アイテム数: 18件
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ハーピスト  邊見美帆子 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site  Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by harpist HENMI Mihoko
バイオリン  馬場添理沙 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Violinist BABAZOE Risa
バイオリン 仲田 遥乃  東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Violinist NAKADA Haruno
バイオリン  水月りょう 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Violinist MIZUKI Ryo
バイオリン  出井麻莉子 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Violinist IDEI Mariko
ソプラノ歌手  利波 里奈 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Soprano singer.TONAMI Rina
フルーティスト 伊東優梨  東京23区と近郊出張 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by flutist  ITOH Yuri
フルーティスト 野村 織音  東京23区と近郊出張 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by flutist  NOMURA Orion
クラリネット 阿嶋優希 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Clarinetist AJIMA Yuuki
クラリネット 山口 瑞稀 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Clarinetist YAMAGUCHI Muzuki
ピアニスト  岩下真麻 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Pianist IWASHITA  Maasa
ピアニスト  秋山桃子 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Pianist AKIYAMA Momoko
ピアニスト  杉崎沙耶 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Pianist SUGIZAKI Saya
ピアニスト  寺根佳那 東京23区と近郊演奏 On-site  Performances in Tokyo 23 Wards and Surrounding Areas by Pianist TERANE Kana
静止画撮影2から10ポーズまで  Still image shooting from poses 2 to 10.
演奏中動画撮影20分  You can record videos of the performance for a duration of 20 minutes.
譜面台 割引  Sheet Music Stand Discount
演奏家待機 一人20分単位 Performer's waiting time is charged in increments of 20 minutes per person.
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