演奏家待機 一人20分単位 < English >Performer's waiting time is charged in increments of 20 minutes per person.
演奏家待機 一人20分単位 < English >Performer's waiting time is charged in increments of 20 minutes per person.
ホーム | 音楽/マジック イベント > 出張演奏 豪華空間を身近に ピアノ,バイオリン,フルート,歌手,ハーブ 。東京23区と近郊 "Attractive Performances in Exquisite Settings: Experience Luxury at Your Doorstep"演奏家待機 一人20分単位Performer's waiting time is charged in increments of 20 minutes per person.

演奏家待機 一人20分単位
Performer's waiting time is charged in increments of 20 minutes per person.
[stand by 20min]

販売価格: 1,800円(税込)
現場にてお客様の工程のご都合で演奏家を待機させる場合は 一人 20分を1単位として 出張演奏の際に同時にご注文ください。
待機するに 苦痛の無い環境をご用意いただきますようお願いいたします。現場では演奏家とは携帯ツールで連絡する手段を確保おねがします。

【現地待機】 20分単位 


< English >
f you need to have the performer wait on-site due to the convenience of your schedule, please include the on-site waiting option when placing the performance booking. The waiting time will be charged in increments of 20 minutes per person. However, please note that there may be instances where the performer's schedule cannot accommodate your expectations.

We kindly request that you provide a comfortable environment for the performer during the waiting time. Additionally, please ensure that there is a means of communication through mobile devices between the performer and the staff on-site.

【On-Site Waiting】20 minutes per unit

Please select the same receipt issuance option as the performance booking for receipt issuance.
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